Bukaleba is a village in Mayuge district where our project site is located. The vision of the Bukaleba Project is to aid us in accomplishing the vision, mission and objectives of Arise Africa International.
The project is sitting on a 5 square mile land, Plot 19, block 15, at Masaka/Luwerere Village, Bukatube Sub-county, Bunya County in Mayuge District.
Currently, Bukaleba is the home to our Children's center (including Babies Home, Nursery School, Primary School, and Secondary School), our agroforestry project, a Christian Guesthouse, and a Medical and Research Centre (opening soon)!
Below you find a lot of detailed information about our current and future projects in Bukaleba as well as the financial needs associated with these projects. If you are looking for more general information, follow the links in the main navigation bar. If you would like to jump to a specific area, please follow the links below.
We have invested over $250,000 towards the development of a modern 56 capacity baby’s home complex. The home is fitted with solar lighting, running water, secure chain link fence with a gate and all other infrastructures needed to run a babies home. In January of 2010 the government of Uganda through Mayuge district court, Mayuge Probation offices and Village Local Council offices granted us guardianship for 42 vulnerable, needy and orphaned children from within mayuge district. These were very sickly/malnourished children; we actually lost one before we were able to have him in the home and one died on his way to the hospital a few days after admission into the home.
Since then, we have been so privilege to provide guardianship to 74 babies. Seven, of them have been fortunate to qualify for international adoptions and are living with their adopted families in the United States; two are living in the county, one with her adopted family and the other with her foster family, one four of our Children have been reintegrated back to their families following the government directions. Sixty-one children are currently with us. We are working alongside the probation office on possible reintegrations, domestic adoptions, international adoptions and foster homes. We support the government on the best option for each child and slowly we have began introducing our older Children back to their extended families.
Meanwhile Arise Africa Babies Home remains open to vulnerable, needy and Orphaned Children in Mayuge district providing for their basic needs inclusive, shelter, and food, medical, clothing, social, physical and educational needs. The home is providing employment to 36 staff from within the community this are on an ongoing capacity building program to equip them with skills to care for vulnerable children.
We have invested towards construction of a 150 capacity Nursery School. The facility is currently providing Christ centered Nursery education to children from our babies home and also 59 children from the community. The Nursery School is providing employment to 5 Ugandans who would have otherwise been unemployed.
We have invested in an ongoing development of a 250 capacity boarding Primary School estimated to cost $300,000 dollars upon completion. Due to pressure of meeting our babies home children educational needs the school has began humbly providing Christ centered primary education to 122 pupils of which 42 are from our babies Home and 80 are from our neighboring households. The Primary School is currently providing employment to 15 Ugandans who would have otherwise been unemployed. When complete the school will provide employment to more Ugandans that are desperately in need.
We have invested over $300,000 in an ongoing 250 capacity boarding Christian School development. The school began with humble beginnings in 2012 due to the people in our neighboring communities pressuring us about the need for a local secondary school. The majority of our pioneer children had lost hope of ever having a secondary education, with some having been home for over a year as they had failed to raise school fees. Despite the constant financial struggles we face, we are so thankful that we took the challenge, because when we sat our pioneer O-level class in 2014 we were ranked 3rd out of all secondary schools in our district.
In 2015 our School was ranked as the NUMBER ONE SCHOOL in our district, and one of our student emerged as the best student in the district. Out of the 4 best performers in our district, 3 of them came from our school. We are committed to Moral and Academic Excellence, and are looking toward a future where our students will take on leadership of this country in different capacities with an above reproach record on honesty, trust, and accountability.
Our vocational school does not yet exist, but in continues to be a part of our vision as we plan for the future. We estimate that it will take about $500,000 to bring our vision to pass. The goal of the vocational school is to provide skills to the youths in our subcounty who are in dire need.
In our subcounty, the best performing students in P7 exams scores are only averaging about 27 points. Only about 5% of the candidates continue to secondary education. The majority drop out along the way. Our vision is that the vocational school will teach the the necessary skills for work and/or employment. These skills, coupled with small business start-up loans, we believe our community will be able to create their own employment and the trend of extreme poverty will slowly become a thing of the past.
We are beginning slowly by registering our School to the government BVET program. Eventually we plan to offer training in hairdressing, catering and bakery, motor vehicle engineering, plumbing, brick laying and carpentry, driving, welding, and electrical engineering.
Our theological school has been designed with the specific goal of benefiting the nearly 300 churches under Arise Africa. The school's training focuses on theological training as well as teaching effective leadership skills to our Arise Africa pastors. Currently the secondary school houses the theological school during holiday Months. We are laying strategies to raise over $800,000 to build and run a model theological school that is envisioned to grow and become a University.
Our Agro Forestry projects are envisioned to provide money for Arise Africa operational budget as well as to provide for the future sustainability of Arise Africa International.
The projects includes:
Commercial Tree and Fruit Nursery
We have invested an estimated $60,000 in development of the biggest Tree and Fruit Nursery in Mayuge District.
At the Nursery we have successfully raised and supplied over 400,000 coffee seedlings to the government with another 400,000 awaiting distribution in the next season
We have raised over 500,000 citrus seedlings for sale and planting at the project
We have grown a half acre of cloned eucalyptus mother garden from which we are budding cloned eucalyptus seedlings for sale and planting at the project with already 20 hectares planted and growing well
We have raised over 60,000 mango seedlings for sale and planting at the project
Our goals for this project include:
Working alongside government programs (NAADS) to provide certified coffee and citrus seedlings to the farmers in Eastern Uganda and other districts where Arise Africa operates
Raise enough seedlings to plant 100 hectares pine and 100 hectares of cloned eucalyptus trees for the future sustainability of Arise Africa International
Grow 20 acres of high yielding lemon trees plantation for seeds harvest
Grow a fifty acre mango garden and fifty acres of oranges for future sustainability
Introducing cheap modern housing in Ugandan markets using our wood products.
Sugarcane Project
We have Invested Ushs 196,000,000 an estimated $59,393.94 in growing a 200 acre sugarcane plantation. This is not only providing for our ministries daily need but also provides employment for over 100 casual workers working in the sugarcane daily from the neighboring villages. They take the project with great pride for from it they have a daily bread.
Animal Husbandry
We have invested over $5,000 dollars in goat and cow keeping, for consumption at our Arise Africa Children’s Centre.
In addition we have embarked on a model piggery project that is aimed at breeding piglets that will be given to all communities within the Arise Africa outreach programs so that these communities will be able to begin their own sustainability projects
Orchards and Crop Husbandry
The majority of our children at the Arise Africa Children's Centre can hardly raise school fees. Our crop husbandry project is envisioned to subsidise the children’s Centre budgets.
We are making strategies and raising an estimated $150,000 to enable us step up to mechanization and value addition aimed at making this project profitable and sustainable.
Our Bukaleba project is directly benefiting over 100 local farmers. These farmers have an average one acre land where they cultivate food crops for home consumption as well as for income. We are raising $50,000 to help them establish a SACCO that will loan them certified seeds and investments funds to be able to care for their crops well and in return enjoy improved yield and communal marketing.
Through capacity building workshops we will sensitise them on the importance of education and the need to bring their children to school. We are working on providing 10 bursaries annually for the best performing pupils at P7 exams. The bursaries program will run through University with an aim to break the roots of illiteracy and poverty around the community. We are also on the front line in bringing health education to the neighboring communities through our outreach programs.
Bukaleba Guesthouse is envisioned to promote tourism in Uganda while providing income to Arise Africa International. We envision developing a tourist hub in Bukaleba that will include Bird watching, fishing along the shores of Lake Victoria, boat rides, monkey tracking, village walks, and visits to Thurston bay and Bishop Hannington sites. We hope to grow the guesthouse to our envisioned five stars Mawe resort. The project is estimated to cost $1,000,000 upon completion providing employment to Ugandan’s of all walks of lives and other professional nationals for capacity building.
We envision a fully pledged medical centre (one of a kind in Mayuge district) providing affordable health care to the residents of Mayuge District and beyond.
The Centre will offer
Inpatient and outpatient services
Post and antenatal care services
Ambulance services
An HIV resource centre
A malnutrition Centre
A nursing School
Currently, we have nearly $100,000 invested in the construction of the hospital. However, we still need approximately $57,000 in order to finish the project.
We have begun our prayer centre humbly by availing basic needs (tent, water, security and firewood) for our church members to enjoy a convenient place to meet with God their Creator throughout the year. Our goal is to invest an estimated $200,000 towards the development of a modern fully equipped prayer centre that will be open to the general public both locally and internationally.
About 40% of Bukaleba Land is rocky. We are working on raising over $720,000 dollars on the establishment of a stone quarry plant. This will provide us with gravel for the project construction and as well earn us revenue as we venture into open markets.
The Bukaleba project is located on a very remote community; we have no tarmac roads, electricity, running water, or internet connectivity just to mention few. Actually our roads are almost impassable during the rainy season. To address the challenge we have invested over $150,000 in developing two natural springs within the project now providing clean running water at the children's centre and at our Bukaleba guesthouse.
We have provided electricity to the project using solar and generator power. Working alongside Mayuge local government and other NGOs, we have ensured that the main roads to the project are passable and have invested heavily to open up and maintain connection roads within the project.
We are hopeful to benefit from the government’s rural electrification program as well get tarmac to the project. We are also working on possibility of signing a workable contract with local mobile networks to have reliable internet connectivity at the project which will benefit our neighborhood as well.
Arise Africa Bukaleba Project is estimated to cost over twenty million dollars upon completion. The project is truly one of a kind and is already bringing light in a backward community in Mayuge District. The project is structured to support our generation and many generations coming after us, through sourcing foreign revenue into our country, job creation, tax collection, and service delivery to our people and especially the less fortunate.