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Seasons greetings! We are so grateful to God for the opportunity to minister to the youth in Kufu AAI Baptist Church under the leadership of Pastor Busisa Stephen. Pastor Stephen is also the zone leader for Manafwa/Namisindwa AAI zone.

We are also thankful to all those who prayed and gave us money towards that youth conference.

We ministered to about fifty four (54) youth on that day, some gave their life to Christ, praise be to God!

There were five teachers who taught about the following;

1. Pastor Godfrey Wanamitsa – Living a Christian Life (Colossians 1:1-11, ) (Photos: Pastor Godfrey teaching during the conference.)

2. Mama Joy Wanamitsa – She encouraged the youth to take their salvation seriously and never to quit.

3. Pastor Robert Masajjage- Youth in a church ministry (1Samuel 3:1-6, Judges 17:1-13)

4. Miss Hope Wanamitsa- Fitting into the mould that God has shaped you to be (Isaiah 55:10-11)

5. Miss Jackline Kainembabazi- Living a fruitful Christian youth life (John 15:1-8)

Photos: Pastor Robert and Pastor Busisa teaching in youth conference, and Kufu Baptist church building.

We are praying that God provides funds to buy windows and two doors for Kufu Bwasunguyi Baptist church building.

To all of you who prayed and gave towards that youth conference, may God richly bless you!

Our prayer is that God makes a way to reach more souls through conferences, crusades, leadership training classes, prayer retreats next year.

We prayerfully welcome each one of you to be a part of Arise Africa Outreach ministry through:

1 Prayers

2 Coming so we can serve the Lord together,

3 Giving towards the following outreach budgets;

1. More people to accept Jesus Christ during our mission trips.

2. Funds to buy Outreach ministry van, land for some churches and also be able to build church structures for those that a lacking ( seven thousand ($7000))

3. Support evangelism in the AAI ministry next year at ($50 monthly budget).

4. Support AAI pastor at Fifty dollars ($50) per month.

5. Support AAI outreach manager at one hundred dollars ($100) per month.

Merry Christmas to you and yours!


If you would like to donate by cash or check;

For AAI Pastors and outreach, please send it to World Reach Partnerships, P.O.BOX 582, Blue Ridge VA 24064.

If your support is regarding evangelism and church planting, please set up your automatic donation at: (Under “Designation” please make sure that you select “Arise Africa International”)

For AAI Staff, Bukaleba Children’s center, General fund for the ministry and others, please send it to, 14539 E. Hawthorne Ct.Wichita, Ks 67230

You can also donate through paypal by clicking on the link

Thank you so much for your prayers and support!

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